You Could Save Someone's Life By Learning This One Skill...

It was a bright, sunny day in mid-August at Universal Studios. The brutal afternoon heat tormented almost everyone in the outdoor line for Harry Potter’s Forbidden Journey. Mothers, fathers, and children alike were sweating, panting, and drinking from the water fountains. Our little group of seven people inched along the line, drinking water and taking cooling herbs.

There was a party of three young women in line just ahead of us. Two of the women were laughing and talking excitedly, but the third woman was quieter and slower than her friends. About thirty minutes into the line, this woman came stumbling towards us, not in control of her body at all, and she fell right into Dr. S’ arms. She had fainted from the heat.

Immediately Dr. S went to work. Dr. S set the woman down in the shade and, using the skill of Holistic Pulse Diagnosis, Dr. S determined that the woman needed sugar and water. Someone offered a miniature Kit-Kat bar, someone else offered coconut water, and many people offered regular water. After a few minutes, the woman regained consciousness and began to eat and drink. When she felt strong enough, the woman rose to her feet and was escorted out of the line by her friends and a Universal Studios employee. After everything was done, Dr. S commented that the woman’s pulse showed no serious heart problems. If the woman’s heart had given out, it would have been a dire situation.

Had Dr. S not been there, who knows what could have happened to that young woman? Under worse circumstances, the woman could have died. The skill of Holistic Pulse Diagnosis can save lives, which is why we are of the opinion that at least one person in every family should gain the skill of Holistic Pulse Diagnosis. Don’t wait until something like this happens to you. We recommend that you start studying Holistic Pulse Diagnosis as soon as possible if you want to gain the skills to heal the people in your life.

We currently offer Holistic Pulse Diagnosis classes on Zoom on Mondays at 10 AM. Click here for our class schedule. To sign up, simply give us a text or a call at (310) 701-6423.

We can actually certify you in Holistic Pulse Examination. Click here to read more.

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