2 Simple Tips to Recover from July 4th Fun
Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash
For us Americans, Fourth of July means barbecues, parades, and staying up to watch the fireworks. As fun as these festivities are, they can be pretty taxing on our bodies. If you're feeling the post-Fourth fatigue, here are 2 tips to get back on your feet:
• Get some rest. If you stayed up late last night, consider taking a nap this afternoon. If you have a hard time resting, we have a fantastic guided meditation that can help you do so.
• Take care of your digestion. Consider simply eating less today if you ate a ton yesterday. If you need some help digesting your Fourth of July meals, we have herbs for that. Order Party Food or Backed Up to get your digestion going again.
Once you're nice and refreshed, you can do Toxic Weight be Gone to fully cleanse your body and drop any pounds you might have gained over the holiday. It happens to be a great time of year to do TWBG because the intense heat of the summer sometimes makes us feel like eating less. If you have any questions about this information, contact us at (310) 701-6423 or chineezsecretsoffice@gmail.com. We hope everyone had a great Fourth!